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How To Create An Awesome Instagram Video About Freestanding Electric F…

A Freestanding Electric Fireplace Can Add Warmth and Ambiance to Any Room

A freestanding electric fireplace offers a more traditional look than wall-mounted units. These units are also easier to install since they don't require chimneys or vents.

This model makes use of radiant heating to warm both people and objects, and is CSA-certified for safety. It comes with a convenient remote-controlled system, with separate settings for flame and heat.


If you're thinking of adding a fireplace to your home, you have several options to choose from. Some are extremely compact and resemble a stylish space heater, whereas others are more like traditional fireplaces with mantels. The style you choose depends on a number of factors including your budget, space, and your aesthetic preferences. Freestanding electric fires can add warmth and ambience to any room. However, you should first consider your heating requirements prior to buying.

A freestanding model is perfect for spaces that don't have enough floor space for a recessed electric fireplace. They can be set on top of a credenza or sideboard or stand by themselves. They require less space than wall-mounted models however, they do require more vertical clearance. They also allow the possibility of putting objects on top of the firebox, instead of being concealed behind the frame.

A few freestanding electric fire places are designed to resemble wood-burning fire places, and come with faux log effect electric fires freestanding displays. They also come with an imitation grates. These fireplaces feature glowing logs which give them an authentic look. The flames can be adjusted to achieve various looks. Certain models come with remote controls with convenience and safety features like child lock protection and thermal overload protection as well as other security features.

Electric fireplaces are not just secure and energy efficient however, they can also save you money on maintenance. Electric fireplaces don't create ash or smoke like a wood-burning fireplace. There is no need to clean the chimney or the interior prior to and after use. Electric fireplaces are safer than wood-burning fireplaces, as they don't release harmful gases or smoke.

Electric fireplaces are simple to install, and they can be moved to a different place if needed. They're an excellent choice for rooms where a wood or gas fireplace isn't possible, such as apartments or condos. Electric fireplaces aren't just mobile, but also adaptable. They can be installed in any room to add a dazzling touch.


In contrast to traditional fireplaces that emit smoke and soot freestanding electric fireplaces do not emit these hazardous substances. This makes them a better alternative to traditional fireplaces, particularly in homes with children or pets. They do not produce any other kind of emission such as carbon monoxide. They are also easy to install, don't require venting, and do not require any special ventilation.

When choosing a freestanding electric fireplace it's important to consider safety procedures. For example, it is important to keep the fireplace away from materials that are flammable, such as newspapers, books, blankets and pillows. The fireplace should be at a minimum of 3 feet away from any item that could catch fire. If you're not sure how far to place your fireplace, check the owner's manual for more details.

Another crucial aspect to consider is the amount of heat produced by your fireplace. While a smaller model will likely suffice for most homes, larger rooms may require a larger output. Some models have a built-in BTU calculator which can help you figure out the number of BTUs your space requires.

Some portable electric fireplaces have an automatic shut off switch, which is an important security measure to avoid overheating. This feature is particularly useful for households with children or pets, as the fireplace will shut off when it gets too hot. Some models also include a remote control that allows you to set the flame and heat levels.

If you're looking for an electric fireplace that is freestanding, ensure that it has an easy-to-touch surface, and is UL or ETL-certified for safety. You should also choose one that has a timer so you can set the timer to stop after an hour.

Wall-mounted electric fires free standing uk fireplaces have elegant design and are perfect for modern interiors. They are also more efficient than freestanding models. This wall-mounted unit has an integrated heater and can heat a room of up to 400 square feet. It comes with a design kit that includes a 15-piece log set, ice medium, pebbles and vermiculite embers.


Freestanding electric fireplaces are very popular because they are more convenient than traditional wood-burning fireplaces. They require no chimney cleaning or purchase of firewood and can be used in a variety of different settings. These units can be moved from one room to another as needed. This is ideal for those who reside in rental properties and are unable to make any changes to their home.

They Provide Additive Warmth - When you turn on the heating function the electric fireplace will create warm air that will make your home feel cozy and warm. It can be used to improve the design of your room and give your home an unique and attractive look. You can opt for an electric fireplace with a built-in mantel to accentuate your space and add the character.

The flame effect of these fireplaces is very realistic and can be controlled with the remote control which makes them an ideal choice for those who don't want to deal with the ash or smoke from a real flame. These fireplaces do not emit harmful gases, so you can be sure that your family is secure.

They can be put in any space - These units do not require ventilation, which means you can put them in any place in your home. This is particularly beneficial when you live in a large home and need to heat multiple rooms at once. They can be used to provide comfort to living spaces, bedrooms, and other common areas.

They Save Energy - Because these appliances are powered by electricity, they don't have to work as hard like a traditional fireplace to keep your home warm. This will help you save energy as well as reduce the cost of your utility bills. You can also save money by using an electric fireplace in conjunction with zone heating, which consists of heating only the rooms you are frequently using.


The cost of a stand-alone electric fireplace depends on the style and features you choose. Certain models are more expensive than others, however they are all affordable for the majority of homeowners. There are also discounts and specials to cut the cost. Look for coupons and promotions on the internet to save money and shop around to compare prices. Some sellers offer free standing electric fires shipping, delivery and haul-away services to help you save more.

An electric fireplace is a great way to save money on your energy costs. It consumes a small amount of energy, meaning that your heating system in your home does not have as much work to keep your home warm. You can also save money by heating only rooms that you frequently use, such as the living room and bedroom.

You can purchase an affordable electric fireplace from the big box retailer or a specialty store. It's a good idea to also visit a showroom to see the different designs in your space. Find models that require little or no work and don't require a contractor.

If you're looking for a higher-end model, you should look for one with additional features, like remote control, adjustable flame brightness, crackling and simulated smoke. You can also purchase a wall-mounted model to save space. These models may have a built-in mantel or be designed to fit into an recessed wall. Many of these models have a thermostat built in, which can save you money on your energy bills.

You can use an online calculator for the cost of electric fireplaces to determine the amount it will cost to run the heater. Calculate your electricity usage per hour and get an estimate for each kilowatt. This will help you determine if the fireplace is worth investing in. You can also switch electricity providers to get better rates on your energy bill and save money. You can make use of the savings you earn on your monthly utility bills to pay for other home renovation projects.
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